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All items displayed in this store are not all stocked in our showroom. Once purchased from our online store, we order the items in and once we have the complete order, only then it is shipped off to our clients. Therefor delivery can take anything between 3 and 14 working days for completion and delivery. Shipping of the items in this store is considered high risk and therefor a flat rate fee of R250 is charged for shipping to all areas in South Africa for all orders. This fee is an overnight door to door courier fee which includes shipping insurance and V.A.T. As this price may seem a bit steep for some purchases as it may double the spend of certain items in our store, we take special precautions to ensure that our clients receive their order timeously. In order to justify this fee in some spends with us, it would be advisable to add a few more items to your basket so that the shipping fee will work itself out into an average of your order as the fee is charged per order and not per item. Alternatively, you can securely checkout your order on our online store and collect it at the showroom once the purchase is pulled and packed and ready for collection.
All items displayed on our online store are not all stocked in our showroom. Once purchased on our online store, we will order the items in and once we have the complete order, only then will we ship the order out to our clients. Therefor delivery can take anything between 3 to 14 working days for completion and delivery. A flat rate fee of R250 is charged for shipping to all areas in South Africa for all orders under R1000. Any orders above R1000 is free to all areas. If we are shipping to outline area’s, we will do so through the Postnet to Postnet route, otherwise all shipping is door to door with The Courier Guy.